Читать книгу The Boy Miners; Or, The Enchanted Island, A Tale of the Yellowstone Country онлайн

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This was as pleasant as unexpected to George and Edwin, who expressed their delight to each other, and commended the shrewdness of Jim Tubbs.

“How came you to think of the Captain?” inquired the younger.

“Wal, you see I’ve know’d him for a dozen years. When dat steamer used to run to New Orleans, ole Mr. Inwood got him de place ob Captain on it, an’ before dat, when Captain Romaine’s wife died, an’ he was too poor to bury her, ole Mr. Inwood done it all for him. Den gitten him de place ob Captain right arter dat—why, I tell you it was almost more dan de man could stand, an’ he’s mighty glad to do anything he can for his children.”

“I’ll go down and see him to-morrow.”

“Yas, dat’s what he said he wanted you to do—you go right off, for he wants to see you mighty bad.”

“He sails on Saturday, and to-day is Thursday. We must get ready to-morrow. Well, we can do that easily enough, as we are not going to take a fortune with us to California, and a few hours are enough to get our baggage together.”
