Читать книгу "The Flu". A brief history of influenza in U.S. America, Europe, Hawaii онлайн

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A. M.

Author and Compiler.

Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A., 1921.



Finckler, Dittmar. Influenza. Bonn. 1898. Fonseca, 〃 〃 Salamanca. 1625. Hubbard, 〃 〃 London. 1667. Lobineau, 〃 〃 Paris. 1650. Pasquier, 〃 〃 Paris. 1665. Perkins, 〃 〃 Paris. 1776. Pfeiffer, Richard. 〃 〃 Breslau. 1892. Short, Thomas. 〃 〃 London. 1587. Thompson, Theodore. 〃 〃 London. 1852. Webster, Noah. Epidemics, Pestilences. London. 1800. American Dictionary of Medicine; Various Authors. 1914. Report of London College of Physicians. London. 1783. Madhava, Indian Physician, Pathology ‘Rugvinischaya.’ B.C. 582. Diodorus Siculus, Historian, Agyrium, Sicily. A.D. 78.



What is Influenza? Discovery of the Bacillus. Alleged causes. Names given to the disease and their translation. Explanation of medical words.



An infectious and contagious disease; most startling in its methods of sudden appearance and disappearance; its widely diffused and rapid spread is seen in no other disease; it has excited universal and general attention; physicians and scientists have been stimulated and fascinated whilst pursuing their investigations and studying the disease in its various phases, to wit: spread, incubation, differences of type, and the exact micro-organism which invades the system of man, and if there is more than one that enters together or separately.
