Читать книгу "The Flu". A brief history of influenza in U.S. America, Europe, Hawaii онлайн

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Contagion. The spreading of a disease by direct or indirect contact.

(a) Direct contagion.

(b) Indirect contagion or mediate, as by a “carrier,” who is apparently in good health, but nevertheless carries disease and can convey it to other non-immune persons.

(c) By means of Fomites (hereafter defined).

Contagium. The virus or poison which transmits disease, such as the vaccine used in anti-smallpox vaccination, which in former years was obtained from the vacca or cow, now the calf is the source of supply.

Fomites. Any non-animate agents or substances that transmit contagion such as blankets, towels, handkerchiefs, or any articles which have been contaminated by the secretions or excretions of the sick.

Endemic. A disease which is permanently present in a people or district, it may become epidemic.

Epidemic. A rapidly and widely spreading disease attacking many people.

Pandemic. A wide and rapidly spreading Epidemic affecting many people and all countries.

Sporadic. A disease occurring here and there, not attacking many people, not widely spread nor epidemic.
