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The uproar was terrific. Many men, who had held back from the row at first, were only too anxious to get into it, now that this quiet young fellow had blazed the way.

But Dan Mosely wasn’t beaten yet. The knockdown had sobered him to some degree, and he was blistering with rage. Shoving the tables and chairs aside, he managed to reach his feet.

“Where is that dub?” he roared. “Show him to me!”

He aimed a tremendous blow at the young man’s face. But a clever duck of the head prevented its doing any harm.

“Hello, Bob Gordon!” shouted Mackenzie Douglas to the young man. “You’re there, are ye? Ye did a gude thing in layin’ out this galoot.”

He seized Dan Mosely behind as he spoke, for the fellow was trying to strike Bob Gordon down from behind with a chair.

“No, ye don’t, Dan!” cried Douglas. “This is goin’ to be a fair stand-up fight. We’ll hae it by the rules. Tak’ aff yer coats, both of ye, an’ let’s see who’s best man. Ye hae twenty pounds the best of it, Dan, but I’m thinkin’ Bob can lick ye in spite of it. Come on, Bob!”
