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What worried the detective more than anything else was that he realized he had lost both the men he was after—the crook, as well as the heir to the Milmarsh millions and the big steel-manufacturing plant.

The catch of the window which held the sash down was out of order. That is a common complaint with window locks of all kinds. It had become jammed so that it was impossible to open it in the ordinary way.

Nick took from his pocket the jackknife he always carried—an implement which had a number of useful little tools in the handle. With this he pried the window open and looked out.

“See anything?” asked Chick.

“No. I did not expect to do so, either. But we won’t give up the chase just yet. They can’t get out of Maple easily. We’ll have them both before morning.”

“This is Howard Milmarsh’s room, isn’t it, do you think?” asked Chick.

“No doubt about that,” was the chief’s quiet reply, as he lighted the lamp he had found on a side table—luckily not upset in the struggle which had taken place. “By Jove! That fellow was going through Howard’s trunk. Look! See how everything is tumbled over!”
