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“How am I to do it?” he asked calmly.

“I don’t know. That’s your business,” was the cool reply. “I shouldn’t wonder if you will find it rather difficult. But it’s your business, as I have said—not mine. I’ve promised in your name that you will do it, so, of course, you have to manage it somehow or other.”

“Somehow or other?” murmured Chick inaudibly. “I wish I knew just how it’s to be done.”

“We shall be ready a little before midnight,” continued his chief. “I shall expect a sign from you that everything is clear for us.” He took out his watch and looked at it thoughtfully. “I guess you’d better get into your hobo outfit. By that time it will be nearly dark, and you can get over to Jersey. By the time you are walking off the ferry on the other side of the river, it will be as black a night as you can want. Get busy as soon as you are over there.”

“I will.”

“And keep it in mind that, when once things begin to move, they have to keep on rapidly till we have nabbed our man.”

Chick felt that he was being loaded with a heavy job. But it was not his disposition to back down on anything. He had the fighting disposition, and, besides, it pleased him that his chief had so much confidence in him.
