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The golden link that made the meaning clear.

Oh, Dark Companion, journeying ever by us,

Oh, grim Perturber of our works and ways,

Oh, potent Dread, unseen, yet ever nigh us,

Disquieting all the tenor of our days—

Oh, Dark Companion, Death, whose wide embraces

Overtake remotest change of clime and skies—

Oh, Dark Companion, Death, whose grievous traces

Are scattered shreds of riven enterprise—

Thou, too, in this wise, when, our eyes unsealing,

The clearer day shall change our faith to sight,

Shalt show thyself, in that supreme revealing,

No Dark Companion, but a thing of light:

No ruthless wrecker of harmonious order:

No alien heart of discord and caprice:

A beckoning light upon the Blissful Border:

A kindred element of law and peace.

So, too, our strange unrest in this our dwelling,

The trembling that thou joinest with our mirth,

Are by thy magnet-communing compelling

Our spirits farther from the scope of earth.

So, doubtless, when beneath thy potence swerving,

’Tis that thou lead’st us by a path unknown,
