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Fierce will blaze up, quick and scathing, 'gainst the stranger and the foe.


Hand to hand with them confronted,

Looking death and danger gravely

In the face, with brow undaunted;

Doing nobly, dying bravely,

Stern as men resolved to conquer or to perish in their woe.


For the God-breath speaketh in you,

Dare ye not belie your mission;

Dare ye not belie your mission;

And the beck'ning angels win you

On with many a radiant vision,

Up the thorny path of glory, where the hero gains his crown.


Fling abroad our Country's banner,

Foremost march to Freedom leading,

Let the breath of millions fan her,

Not alone the wine-press treading,

For a Nation is arising from her long and ghastly swoon.


Go with lips that dare not falter,

Offer up, with exaltations,

On your country's holy altar,

Youth, with all its fervid passions,

And your life, if she demands it—Can a patriot fear to die?


What is life that ye should love it

More than manlike deeds of duty?

Crowns your brow with nobler beauty—
