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Un año más tarde, en su libro The New Man publicado en 1961, vuelve a incidir sobre este enigma del don de la palabra creadora que se le concede al ser humano. Inspirándose en el relato bíblico del Génesis, en el que, como ha señalado Northrop Frye “the forms are spoken into existence,”63 escribe:

God initiates Adam into the very mystery of creative action. But how? Not by doing violence to his human nature, intelligence and freedom and using him as an agent in drawing something out nothing. On the contrary, Adam’s function is to look at creation, recognize it, and thus give it a new and spiritual existence within himself. He imitates and reproduces the creative action of God first of all by repeating, within the silence of his own intelligence, the creative word by which God made each living thing. The most interesting point in the story is the freedom left to Adam in this work of ‘creation.’ The name is decided, chosen, not by God but by Adam.64

Tal es la razón que nos obliga a permanecer en vigilancia constante. No importa si esta conlleva extrañeza o desconcierto. Merton compara al poeta con un nuevo Adán que concede nombres a las cosas, que retoma “la palabra sin tiempo” de la que habla Aristóteles (Poética XX, 1457). Un nombrar que nace de un contemplare y que nos remite a un templum instaurador de nuevos espacios y de nuevas formas hasta entonces desconocidas del ser.65 Como ha señalado Brent Short con acierto: “Merton’s Adam, who was placed in the midst of the garden in the center of an untainted symbolic and imaginative celebration, was not only a thinker but a seer who peered into the deep things of God, giving utterances to what he saw and experienced.”66 Intérprete de los vuelos del espíritu en su poema “Stranger”, el alma del poeta se identifica con un pájaro que en el acto de mirar recrea el mundo en su permanente fluir:
