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“You bet we have, Judge,” broke in Hadley, from Tazewell.

The judge raised his head and looked his surprise at Hadley, as if to resent the interruption, and the members of the committee turned and looked at Hadley severely. Murch, who sat next Hadley, drove an elbow into the man’s ribs, and Hadley’s bronzed face became a deeper shade.

“As I observed,” said Bromley, anxious that his observation be not lost, “I think we have an excellent chance of winning, better than we have had in any congressional campaign within my memory.”

The judge paused here to let the conviction that his own personality had produced this unusual political condition sink into the minds of his auditors. And then he resumed.

“If you have followed me thus far, gentlemen, you will be prepared for the announcement I am about to make.”

He paused again impressively.

“I have determined, gentlemen, to enter upon the prosecution of a vigorous personal campaign. In short, I shall take the stump.”

He stopped, and looked around him. The committee-men, not expecting him to leave off in his address so soon, were not prepared for its end, and so had to bestir themselves and simulate a proper appreciation of the effect of his announcement. McFarlane murmured some sort of approval, and his words were repeated around the circle. Judge Bromley leaned back in his chair, with his elbow on his desk.
