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This record, now published for the first time, shows that Robert Fulton was unquestionably the first one to design a practical vessel capable of submerging and rising at will, that could keep the sea for an extended period of time with a large crew, and that could be propelled either on or beneath the surface, or that could lie safely at anchor under either condition. The record also shows that Fulton foresaw with extraordinary clearness conditions that might arise, and which actually did come to pass in the great war recently ended.

Fulton’s manuscripts and letters are reprinted exactly as he wrote them so far as access has been had to the originals, words that he erased are enclosed in brackets. Some of his letters taken from books have evidently been corrected in their orthography before publication. In such cases the published text has been followed.

In the preparation of this book the author has been assisted, and for which assistance he makes grateful recognition, by Mrs. Alice Crary Sutcliffe and Mr. Edward C. Cammann, descendants of Mr. Fulton, who have kindly placed at the author’s use their great grandfather’s papers; by Mr. L. F. Loree who did the same with his collection of Fultoniana; by the British Ambassador who procured a search of the British Government records, and by the New Jersey Historical Society. The author has drawn from a number of works on Fulton, particularly the biography by Colden (1817) and “Robert Fulton” by H. A. Dickenson (1913), as well as the French volumes above mentioned.
