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In the interim, we, for our part, cannot do better than take a look round at the place in which Sir John lived, the people among whom he moved, and the things that occupied his enforced leisure. Such a description will make the subsequent narrative more intelligible and instructive, without unduly delaying the action; for, truth to tell, many months had to elapse before there was any action worth mention.



ssss1 Finch to Coventry, Sept. 9, 1675, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 Finch to Coventry, Jan. 11-21, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 See Winchilsea’s despatches, passim, S.P. Turkey, 17, 18, 19; Finch Report; Rycaut’s Memoirs; Covel’s Diaries, p. 207.

ssss1 The Latin version of that Charter is preserved at the Public Record Office, S.P. Turkey, 1. A copy of it, with an English rendering, will be found in Hakluyt’s Navigations (Glasgow, 1904), vol. v. pp. 178-89.

ssss1 Rycaut’s Memoirs, p. 311. For an amusing example of the young man’s Puritan scrupulosity see Covel’s Diaries, pp. 107-8.
