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ssss1 Rycaut’s Present State, pp. 169-70. For examples of the terrorism exercised by the Turks towards European envoys and their Dragomans, see that work, pp. 155 foll., as well as the same author’s History of the Turkish Empire, and his Memoirs, passim.

ssss1 Finch to Coventry, Jan. 6-16, 1675-76, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 See Finch Report, p. 521.

ssss1 “A man of singular parts, an excellent gentleman’s companion, capable to undertake and go through with any business whatsoever.”—Lord Pagett to the Right Hon. James Vernon, July 23, 1698, S.P. Turkey, 21.

ssss1 Winchilsea to Sir Heneage Finch, Jan. 11, 1662 [-3], Finch Report, p. 233. How much the Ambassador owed to his Secretary is shown by a comparison between his despatches and Rycaut’s Memoirs.

ssss1 Pepys, after the Great Fire, which burnt most of the first edition, had to pay 55 shillings for a copy. It is true that this was one of the six copies printed with coloured pictures, “whereof the King and Duke of York and Duke of Monmouth, and Lord Arlington had four.”—Diary, March 20, April 8, 1667.
