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These points carried, Sir John could proceed to his Audience with an easy mind.



ssss1 Finch to Coventry, Jan. 11-21, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 Harvey to Arlington, July 1, 1672. Cp. Rycaut to the Same, June 29, 1671, S.P. Turkey, 19.

ssss1 Nointel to Finch, A Tripoly le 12 Juillet 1674; Consul Gamaliel Nightingale to the Same, Aleppo, July 10, 1674; Finch to Arlington, July 27, S.N., 1674, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 A. Vandal, Les Voyages du Marquis de Nointel, p. 155.

ssss1 Rycaut to Nointel (in French), Smirne ce 31 Décembre 1674; the Same to the Same (in Italian) 8, 4-14 Jennaro, 1674-75, with Nointel’s reply (in Italian); the Same to Joseph Williamson, March 8, 1674-75, S.P. Turkey, 19. Finch to Coventry, Feb. 1-11, 4-14; the Factory of Smyrna to Finch, Jan. 19, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

ssss1 The exact date of his Excellency’s arrival can scarcely be a matter of deep concern to any man now living; yet, as an example of the discrepancies which beset the path of the historical student, the following may be of some interest: “The French Amb.: the Marquis de Nointell arrivd’ here the 13th at breake of day.” Finch to Coventry, Feb. 5-15; “His Excellcy: arrivd’ here Saturday Febr. the 15-25.” Same to Same, Feb. 24-March 6; “Le 20 février 1675, Nointel rentrait à Constantinople,” Vandal, p. 175.
