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We are acquainted with the history of the family of a physician in Amsterdam, in which the great grandfather was 96. He had six sons who, between them, totaled 600 years, one of them living to the age of 102, some of the others to 80 and 90; and there is a daughter 79 years of age.

From the foregoing it seems that persons descended from long-lived families have themselves a good chance of living to a great age; but to do this it is essential that they should observe the rules of hygiene to prevent the deterioration of their ductless glands.

That the observance of good hygiene is of the greatest importance to attain longevity can be best adduced by the fact that persons descended from short-lived parents may also attain a green old age in robust health, as I will show by a few examples which have come under my personal observation.

Sir Herman Weber, the author of a valuable work on the prolongation of life, is descended from parents who both died at an early age. This savant has himself followed the excellent advice he gives in his books on long life, with what result can be best judged by his healthy and vigorous looks. His appearance is that of a man many years his junior, yet Sir Herman was 82 a few years ago when we were together climbing a very steep and high hill in Carlsbad. When we arrived at the summit nothing could restrain Sir Herman, but he insisted on also mounting a lofty tower to see the surrounding mountains, without taking any rest between his exertions, and this in spite of the warmth of the weather.
