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Direct examination of the sexual glands can be more easily carried out in men than in women.

The presence of varicose veins is of great importance, as varicoceles are generally accompanied by great disturbances of the nervous system, sometimes even going as far as insanity. Suicide is not unfrequently committed in such a condition.

After the testicles the prostatic gland must be examined. As direct examination of this gland is only possible by a painful examination through the rectum, we shall have to inquire into the condition of the functions of this gland. We must find out whether there is a flow of prostatic liquid and semen (frequency of pollution). It must be remembered, however, that the flow of a little semen in constipation and sexual abstinence has no importance.

We must specially inquire about previous attacks of gonorrhœa. Examining the urine in two fractions, we must ascertain whether the first fraction is as clear as the second. The presence of a few filaments tells a tale of previous gonorrhœa, but is of no consequence for the prognosis. It may be, however, that they possibly indicate the presence of gonococci in the deeper lying glands of the urethra which, after sexual excesses, can again come to the surface even after years.
