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On the strength of this one story Miss Brown must be placed very high on the roll of American novelists at least as high as we place, among the men, Owen Wister, by reason solely of that incomparable novel of the West, The Virginian.

Books by Alice Brown


Fools of Nature. Meadow-Grass. By Oak and Thorn. Life of Mercy Otis Warren. The Road to Castaly. The Day of His Youth. Robert Louis Stevenson—A Study (with Louise Imogen Guiney). Tiverton Tales. King’s End, 1901. Margaret Warrener, 1901. The Mannerings. High Noon. Paradise. The County Road, 1906. The Court of Love, 1906. Rose McLeod, 1908. The Story of Thyrza, 1909. Country Neighbors, 1910. John Winterbourne’s Family, 1910. The One-Footed Fairy, 1911. The Secret of the Clan, 1912. My Love and I, 1912. Vanishing Points, 1913. Robin Hood’s Barn, 1913. Children of Earth, 1915. Bromley Neighborhood. The Prisoner, 1916. The Flying Teuton, 1918. Homespun and Gold, 1920. The Wind Between the Worlds, 1920.

Published by The Macmillan Company, New York. Some of the earlier books by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
