Читать книгу A Summer in Maryland and Virginia; Or, Campaigning with the 149th Ohio Volunteer Infantry онлайн

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Captain of Company A 149th O. V. I.; commander of the garrison of Fort No. 1, Baltimore, Md.; Major on the staff of Brigadier General John C. Kenley, commanding the Independent Brigade of the Eighth Army Corps.

Our Captain “Billy”

Died October 14th, 1910

Organization of the Hundred Days Service


The winter of 1863–4 on the banks of the Rapidan was passed in preparation by both Grant and Lee’s armies for that wrestle of giants that was to begin in May in the wilderness and end at Appomattox in the following April.

In the southwest Sherman had won Missionary Ridge and Chicamauga and was getting ready for his Atlanta campaign, and a great force was doing garrison duty at various points. General Grant told the President that if he could have thirty thousand new men to relieve the veterans, he could capture Richmond and push the war to an end during the summer. This was a difficult proposition on account of resistance to the draft, and the vigorous activity of the Knights of the Golden Circle and the copperheads in the North.
