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She was so absorbed in her meditations that the nursemaid could approach unheard.

“Miss Laura, are you deaf? ’Ere I’ve calling till I’m ’oarse. Come along, do, you naughty child, an’ ’ave your biscuits. It’s eleven or more—you won’t eat no lunch if you leave ’em so late. Come along. What are you staring at?”

Laura’s eyes were as blank as a cat’s. She waved her hand airily as she scrambled to her feet.

“That over there. What’s that—that shining house, Nurse?”

“Green’ouse, I expect.” Nurse screwed up her eyes and followed the direction of Laura’s grubby finger. “Oh, that! That’s the Crystal Pallis. It stands very ’igh, you know. As ’igh as us, almost. Miss Laura, on’y look at your ’ands. Reely! A terrier’d ’ave more sense. If Miss Adela meets us——”

The Crystal Palace! As beautiful a name as any other for a Cœlestial City....

“Have you seen it before, Nurse?”

“Lord, yes—any fine day. Must ’ave a fine day, of course. I wonder I ’aven’t shown it you. I come at night once with my friend to see the fireworks. My friend, ’e——”
