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21. One of the most important practical problems in mechanics is to make a small force overcome a greater. There are a number of ways in which this may be accomplished for different purposes, and to the consideration of them several lectures of this course will be devoted. Perhaps, however, there is no arrangement more simple than that which is furnished by the principles we have been considering. We shall employ it to raise a 28 lb. weight by means of a 2 lb. weight. I do not say that this particular application is of much practical use. I show it to you rather as a remarkable deduction from the parallelogram of forces than as a useful machine.

Fig. 8.

A rope is attached at one end of an upright, a (ssss1), and passes over a pulley B at the same vertical height about 16' distant. A weight of 28 lbs. is fastened to the free end of the rope, and the supports must be heavily weighted or otherwise secured from moving. The rope ab is apparently straight and horizontal, in consequence of its weight being inappreciable in comparison with the strain (28 lbs.) to which it is subjected; this position is indicated in the figure by the dotted line ab. We now suspend from c at the middle of the rope a weight of 2 lbs. Instantly the rope moves to the position represented in the figure. But this it cannot do without at the same moment raising slightly the 28 lbs., for, since two sides of a triangle, cb, ca, are greater than the third side, ab, more of the rope must lie between the supports when it is bent down by the 2 lb. weight than when it was straight. But this can only have taken place by shortening the rope between the pulley b and the 28 lb. weight, for the rope is firmly secured at the other end. The effect on the heavy weight is so small that it is hardly visible to you from a distance. We can, however, easily show by an electrical arrangement that the big weight has been raised by the little one.
