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77. We suspend two small hooks from the points a and b: these are made of fine wire, so that their weight may be left out of consideration. With this apparatus we can in the first place verify the principle of equality of moments: for example, if I place the hook a at a distance of 9" from the centre o and load it with 1 lb., I find that when b is laden with 0·5 lb. it must be at a distance of 18" from o in order to counterbalance a; the moment in the one case is 9×1, in the other 18×0·5, and these are obviously equal.

78. Let a weight of 1 lb. be placed on each of the hooks, the frame will only be in equilibrium when the hooks are at precisely the same distance from the centre. A familiar application of this principle is found in the ordinary weighing scales; the frame, which in this case is called a beam, is sustained by two knife-edges, smaller, however, than those represented in the figure. The pans p, p are suspended from the extremities of the beam, and should be at equal distances from its centre. These scale-pans must be of equal weight, and then, when equal weights are placed in them, the beam will remain horizontal. If the weight in one slightly exceed that in the other, the pan containing the heavier weight will of course descend.
