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I now remove the plummet and suspend the plate from another of its holes b, and repeat the process, thus drawing a second chalked line b p across the plate, and so on with the other holes: I thus obtain five lines across the plate, represented by dotted lines in the figure. It is a very remarkable circumstance that these five lines all intersect in the same point p; and if additional holes were bored in the plate, whether in the margin or not, and the chalk line drawn from each of them in the manner described, they would one and all pass through the same point. This remarkable point is called the centre of gravity of the plate, and the result at which we have arrived may be expressed by saying that the vertical line from the point of suspension always passes through the centre of gravity.

100. At the centre of gravity p a hole has been bored, and when I place the supporting pin through this hole you see that the plate will rest indifferently in all positions: this is a curious property of the centre of gravity. The centre of gravity may in this respect be contrasted with another hole q, which is only an inch distant: when I support the plate by this hole, it has only one position of rest, viz. when the centre of gravity p is vertically beneath q. Thus the centre of gravity differs remarkably from any other point in the plate.
