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I’d love to take them—

Betty. [Shyly taking his hand and looking up

at him adoringly.]

If you only could!

Santa. [Stroking her hair.]

You little pet!

Dick. [Taking the other hand.]

Or, if you didn’t mind,

We might be able just to hitch behind!

Santa. [Patting his shoulder.]

A plucky chap! [Considering.] I wonder if I can—

Jack. [Who has been talking aside with the Queen.]

Just listen, Santa! We’ve the finest plan!

You’ve gifts for many in the village near?

Santa. An overflowing bag; and so, I fear—


Here’s our solution: Leave the bag with me,

And, elves and fairies all, we’ll gladly see

That every gift’s bestowed, this very night.

We’ll be your aids, and work with all our might.


Each home we’ll find, nor miss a single one!

All. [Taking hands and dancing about Santa.]

Indeed we will! We promise! Oh, what fun!


What say you, Santa?

Santa.Many thanks, my dears!

I’ll take the youngsters home, and end their fears.

[Warningly, to Dick and Betty.]

But promise none shall know how this befell,
