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[Enter Herald followed by Dear December.]

[The Jury rise in haste and clapping hands rush to meet December, shouting:]

Here is the king!

[They surround him joyfully.]

First Girl. You bring us Christmas day!

Boy. With wonderful Christmas stories!

Girl. And the bells—

Girl. And the stockings—

Boy. And Christmas trees—and Santa Claus—

Boy. And love to us all with peace and good will.

All. Oh, dear December, your praise we sing,

We know all choose you for their king.

[They sing an appropriate Christmas song.]

Father Time. [Coming forward.] Have you

chosen the king?

Children. Yes, yes, Father Time, December is the


Father Time. And you have chosen well, for this

is the month of love, and love is always king. Herald!

Herald. Yes, your reverence, I am here,

your reverence.

Father Time. Go bid my other children come and

greet their rightful king.

[Herald goes out.]

[The others return and passing before December salute him with low bows and curtsies, forming two circles about him. When all have come they dance about December, singing—“Hail, Old Father Christmas.” Modern Music Series, First Book.]

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