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The questions here handled have always been to me full of interest; and these chapters have been chiefly written because I have invariably found that they are also full of interest to young learners. Should it be proved that I have rashly intruded on a task beyond my powers, no one will more regret this attempt than I shall myself.

The books of which I have made chief use in the following pages are

Grimm, Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache.

Heyse, System der Sprachwissenschaft.

Lersch, Die Sprachphilosophie der Alten.

Renan, De l’Origine du Langage.

Renan, Histoire Générale des Langues Sémitiques.

Charma, Essai sur le Langage.

Nodier, Notions de Linguistique.

Bunsen, Philosophy of Universal History.

Max Müller, Survey of Languages.

Pictet, Les Origines Indo-Européennes.

Garnett’s Philological Essays.

Dr. Donaldson’s Cratylus, and Varronianus.

It need scarcely be said, however, that I have read and consulted very many besides these, and indeed every book that I could obtain which seemed to bear directly upon the subject.
