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Page 248.

PLAN Shewing the relative position of the MINERAL FORMATIONS around PARIS

10 Upper fresh water formation—Millstone—Flint—Limestone. 9 Millstone without Shells. 8 Upper marine Sandstone. 7 Sandstone & Sand without Shells. 6 Bed of Oysters. 5 Gypsum & Marl containing Bones of Animals. Lower fresh water formation Lower marine Sandstone 4 Siliceous Limestone without Shells. 3 Coarse marine Limestone. 2 Plastic Clay & Lower Sand. II. Alluvial. 1 Chalk & Flint.

W. H. Lizars Sc. Edinr. Edinburgh Published by Wm Blackwood 1827.



SECTION Illustrative of the succession of the Secondary Formations and of the distribution of PETRIFACTIONS.

Primitive Rocks No Fossil Organic Remains. Transition Rocks First Appearance of Fossil Shells and Corals. 1st Sandstone or Old Red Sandstone & Old Red Conglomerate Fossil Wood; Fossil Fishes? 1st Limestone or Mountn Limestone Fossil Corals & Shells. 2d Sandstone or Coal Formation Impressions of Plants principally Monocotyledonous, many with a Tropical aspect. New Red Conglomerate 2d Limestone or Magnesian Limestone First appearance of Fossil Fishes and of Fossil Oviparous Quadrupeds. 3d Sandstone or New Red Sandstone Fossil Shells, Corals & Vegetables. 3d or Shell Limestone Fossil Shells. 4th Sandstone or variegated Marl Fossil Plants and Shells. 4th Limestone or Java Oolite & Lias Limestones Fossil Shells, Corals, Crustacæ, Lacertæ, Turtles. Fishes and Vegetables. 5th Sandstone or Green Sand or Quader Sandstone with Coal, Fishes, Lacertæ & Emydes. 5th Limestone & Chalk Fossil Shells, Corals, Lacertæ, Turtles & Fishes. Brown Coal Formation Crocodiles &c. also Dictyledonous Plants. Hertfordshire Puddingstone Crocodiles &c. also Dictyledonous Plants. Paris Formation First appearance of Fossil Remains of Birds & Mammiferous Animals. Diluvial Formation Remains of extinct species of Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Tapir, Deer, Hyena, Bear &c. Post Diluvial Formation Fossil Remains of the Human Species first appear in this formation.
