Читать книгу Our Feathered Friends онлайн

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National Museum,

Washington, D.C.

Seek the children, little book:

Bid them love the bird's retreat,

By the brook and woodland nook,

In the garden, in the street,

In the tree above the shed,

Underneath the old barn eaves,

In their bed high overhead,

Where their crazy-quilts are leaves.

Bid them find their secrets out,

How to understand their words.

Play the scout in woods about.

Listen slyly for the birds.

Hark! I hear a child-bird say,

Piping softly in the dell,

"You may stay and see us play,

If you only love us well."

Pasadena, Cal.



PAGE Mocking-bird 2 The Young Mocking-bird that lost its Tail in the Door 4 Crow Blackbird 11 Turkey Buzzard 15 Mountain Quail 20 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 23 Short-eared Owl 24 Nest full of Young Birds ssss1 Linnet 30 Humming-bird feeding her Young 35 Blue Jay 38 Downy Woodpecker 42 Chimney Swift 46 Arkansas Goldfinch 47 King-bird 51 Loggerhead Shrike 53 English Sparrow 55 Brown Towhee 58 Song Sparrow 64 Baltimore Oriole 75 Ground Owl 77 Screech Owl 79 Barn Swallow 87 Marsh Owl 88 Costa's Humming-bird 89 Cat-bird 94 Brown Thrush 95 Anna's Humming-birds 105 Robin 108 Western Bluebird 117 Whip-poor-will 121 Phœbe 124 Flicker 127 California Bush-tit and Nest 132 Meadow Lark 135 Wax-wing 139 Snowy Heron 143

