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“To whom are you referring in such a manner?”


“He struck you?”

“Yes, the dirty, sneaking, miserable——”

“Stop!” rang out Merry’s clear voice. “That will do, sir! Bart Hodge is my friend, and I will not permit you to apply such epithets to him!”

Vance showed his teeth, much after the manner of a snarling dog.

“But I suppose you permit your friend to assault and insult the ladies of this company?” he said, scornfully.

“Not if I know it; but Bart Hodge is not in the habit of assaulting and insulting ladies.”

“He did so a few moments ago, the miserable whelp of a——”

Frank took a quick step toward the fellow, and Vance stopped instantly.

“I have warned you once,” said Merry, speaking in a low tone. “I shall not speak again. Be careful!”

“Oh, you stand up for him, Frank Merriwell, without hearing what he has done!”

“I am willing to hear what he has done, but you must use proper language in relating it.”

“Proper language! I don’t know how proper language can be found to fit the occasion. I tell you your friend of whom you boast has insulted one of the ladies of the company!”

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