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“He’ll have to meet you.”

“Perhaps not.”

“Of course, he will. You are both in the same company, and you have business with each other in the play.”

“All the same, I don’t think Bart Hodge will dare meet me again,” boasted Vance.

Garland turned away with an impatient gesture. He did not like Hodge, but the seeming conceit of Vance was too much for him.

Vance saw the look on Garland’s face, and it cut him somewhat. He longed to tell Granville something more and he opened his lips to do so, but prudence bade him keep still, and so he did not speak.

With Hodge lacking, the rehearsal went on as well as possible, special attention being given to the specialties.

Frank was restless and nervous. He longed to go in search of Bart, for he fancied it was possible the hot-headed fellow had cooled down enough to listen to reason. He observed Vance was swaggering around in a rather remarkable manner under the circumstances.

“I wonder if he saw anything of Bart?” thought Frank.

Merry did not like Vance, but he resolved to question him, and so he asked him if he had seen Hodge; doing so quietly in order not to attract attention.

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