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What is the intellectual state of the University of U. G. I. at the present moment? I questioned four different professors about it—taking the precaution to meet each one secretly, not letting even the others know about it. Always I got the same report, frequently backed by the same anecdotes. Some one had gone to the head of a department in the Wharton School to say that the “Young Democracy” group of students wanted to arrange a debate, to have one of their professors answer the Socialist arguments of Scott Nearing. “I should like to do it,” replied the department head. “It’s just what I believe in, but I am very busy, and have plans to have my department expanded; I don’t believe in pussy-footing, but there’s no use throwing away a chance to get some good work done.” In other words, this man did not even dare to debate against Scott Nearing, for fear of offending his trustees! In the Greek department a young instructor did not dare join the “Young Democracy” group, though this was an open forum, strictly non-political; he would give his money, he said, but not his name, it was too dangerous. “They never interfere with my teaching Greek,” he added.
