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Vascular neurosyphilis—effects of syphilitic thrombosis of Sylvian artery 10 years before death. (Case 4.)

Case 4.

JUVENILE PARETIC NEUROSYPHILIS (“juvenile paresis”). Autopsy.

Case 5.

There was, however, little doubt that the case was one of juvenile paresis. Among the symptoms found at various times in this case are the following: disorientation for time, place and persons, confusion, with coarsely irrelevant replies to questions, ill-defined and transitory delusions of persecution, auditory, tactile, and visual hallucinations, and defective memory.

Early in life, the patient had had a habit of falling asleep in school hours, and had experienced a number of falls at various times. During an attack of measles he had had a number of spasms, each of which lasted ten minutes or more.


sclerosis of the aorta

nervous system

Head:calvariumDuraPia mater


The convolutions of the vertex show another type of lesion. The tissue of the greater part of the vertex resembles that of the flanks and base in being firmer than normal and of a grayish pink color. Behind the fissure of Rolando on the right side and behind the anterior limits of the ascending frontal region on the left side the brain tissue of the vertex becomes suddenly still firmer and of a yellowish gray color. This lesion disappears gradually into the occipital microgyria behind and the gyri gradually lose their yellowish tint. The lesion fades away gradually so that it fails to involve the temporal convolutions.
