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Case 18.


There was, perhaps, no special reason to implicate syphilis in the case, yet Wescott gave a history of syphilis at 35 years. The W. R. of the blood serum proved positive; that of the spinal fluid was negative, and the albumin was but slightly increased; there was a very slight amount of globulin, and there were 16 cells per cmm. in the fluid. The gold sol reaction suggested syphilis.

We felt entitled to make a diagnosis of Syphilitic Cerebral Arteriosclerosis, regarding the convulsion or seizure eight weeks before as due to a vascular insult. The laboratory picture in the spinal fluid in Wescott’s case seems to be rather characteristic of this group of syphilitic arteriosclerotics.

1. What is the reason for the negative spinal fluid W. R.? The theory would be that the syphilitic lesion is localized in the vascular system and that the parenchyma is only secondarily, if at all, involved. The W. R. producing bodies are accordingly not found in the fluid.

2. How frequently are several of the spinal fluid tests negative, while others are positive? Whereas, clinically speaking, the five tests in the spinal fluid (W. R., globulin reaction, excess albumin, pleocytosis, and gold sol reaction) are each indicative of a pathological condition in the central nervous system, yet a specially intensive study of the distribution of these tests has shown that they are prone to occur independently. Consequently, we must concede that they do not all represent the same inflammatory products and chemical conditions. The W. R. producing bodies, the gold sol reaction producing bodies, as well as the globulins and albumins, have been proved to be separate. Special work has also shown that these tests disappear under treatment at different rates. There is, unfortunately, no doubt that the rate and intensity, presence or absence, and the order of disappearance of these tests in either treated or untreated cases, do not at all parallel the clinical conditions of the patients.
