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“By this,” says Parkinson, “we are taught that innumerable beings have lived, of which not one of the same kind does any longer exist—that immense beds composed of the spoils of these animals, extending for many miles under ground, are met with in many parts of the globe—that enormous chains of mountains, which seem to load the surface of the earth, are vast monuments, in which these remains of former ages are entombed—that, though lying thus crushed together, in a rude and confused mass, they are hourly suffering those changes, by which, after thousands of years, they become the chief constituent parts of gems, the limestone which forms the humble cottage of the peasant, or the marble which adorns the splendid palace of the prince.” Fossil, wood, coral, and shells, are, indeed, as Bergman very forcibly observes, the only true remaining “medals of Creation.”





A MULTIVALVE shell is composed of more parts than two. Every part of a shell which is connected by a cartilage, ligament, hinge, or tooth, is called a valve of such shell; thus, the Chitons have eight transverse, broad, but very short valves, placed on the back of the animal, and inserted at their sides into a marginal tough ligament. Plate I. fig. 11, a a a.
