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ssss1. The period within which a woman, who has been divorced or whose husband has died, may not marry again.

ssss1. The point to which a Moslem turns his face when worshipping, viz. the Ka`ba.

ssss1. “Time” (waqt) is used by Muḥammadan mystics to denote the spiritual state in which anyone finds himself, and by which he is dominated at the moment. The expression `ilm-i waqt occurs again in the notice of Abú Sulaymán al-Dárání (chapter x, No. 17), where waqt is explained as meaning “the preservation of one’s spiritual state”. According to a definition given by Sahl b. `Abdallah al-Tustarí, waqt is “search for knowledge of the state, i.e. the decision (ḥukm) of a man’s state, which exists between him and God in this world and hereafter”.

ssss1. A famous Ṣúfí of Níshápúr, who died in 359 A.H. (Nafaḥát, No. 118).

ssss1. Also a native of Níshápúr. He died in 328 A.H. (Nafaḥát, No. 248).


On Poverty.


Know that Poverty has a high rank in the Way of Truth, and that the poor are greatly esteemed, as God said: “(Give alms) unto the poor, who are kept fighting in God’s cause and cannot go to and fro on the earth; whom the ignorant deem rich forasmuch as they refrain (from begging).”[26] And again: “Their sides are lifted from their beds while they call on their Lord in fear and hope” (Kor. xxxii, 16). Moreover, the Prophet chose poverty and said: “O God, make me live lowly and die lowly and rise from the dead amongst the lowly!” And he also said: “On the day of Resurrection God will say, ‘Bring ye My loved ones nigh unto Me;’ then the angels will say, ‘Who are Thy loved ones?’ and God will answer them, saying, ‘The poor and destitute.’” There are many verses of the Koran and Traditions to the same effect, which on account of their celebrity need not be mentioned here. Among the Refugees (Muhájirín) in the Prophet’s time were poor men (fuqará) who sat in his mosque and devoted themselves to the worship of God, and firmly believed that God would give them their daily bread, and put their trust (tawakkul) in Him. The Prophet was enjoined to consort with them and take due care of them; for God said: “Do not repulse those who call on their Lord in the morning and in the evening, desiring His favour” (Kor. vi, 52). Hence, whenever the Prophet saw one of them, he used to say: “May my father and mother be your sacrifice! since it was for your sakes that God reproached me.”
