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ssss1. Kor. xxv, 64.

ssss1. See Chapter ssss1.

33. The name zaddíq (an Aramaic word meaning “righteous”) was given to the ascetics and spiritual adepts among the Manichæans. Its Arabic equivalent, siddíq, which means “veracious”, is a term that is frequently applied to Ṣúfís.

ssss1. Yataṣára`ún. B. has yata`ádawn, and in marg. yatasára`ún. The true reading is yata`áwawn, “barking (or ‘growling’) at one another.” Cf. Lisán, xix, 343, 3.

ssss1. Yatagháwarún. This is the reading of J., I. has yata`áwarún, L. yata`áwadún, B. yataghámazún, and in marg. yatafáwazún.

ssss1. Examples of this signification of the form tafa``ul are given in Wright’s Arabic Grammar, vol. i, p. 37, Rem. b.

ssss1. Viz., purity (ṣafá) and Ṣúfiism (taṣawwuf).

ssss1. So J. The Lahore edition has Ibn al-Jalálí, I. Ibn al-Jullábí. See Chapter X, No. ssss1.

ssss1. Died in 366 A.H. See Nafaḥát, No. 332.

ssss1. IJ. Qazwíní. B. Abú `Alí Kirmánsháhí Qurayshí. The Shaykh in question is probably Muẕaffar Kirmánsháhí Qarmíní (Nafaḥát, No. 270).
