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“The devil sticks close to the sons of Adam, and an angel also; the business of the devil is to do evil, and that of the angel to teach him the truth; and he who meets with truth and goodness in his mind, let him know it proceeds from God, and let him praise God; and he who finds the other, let him seek for an asylum from the devil in God.

“Then the Prophet read this verse of the Qurʾān: ‘The devil threatens you with poverty if ye bestow in charity; and orders you to pursue avarice; but God promises you grace and abundance from charity.’

“ʿUs̤mān said, ‘O Prophet of God! indeed the devil intrudes himself between me and my prayers, and my reading perplexes me.’ Then the Prophet said, ‘This is a demon called K͟hanzab, who casts doubt into prayer: when you are aware of it, take protection with God, and spit over your left arm three times.’ ʿUs̤mān said, ‘Be it so’; and all doubt and perplexity was dispelled.”

DEVIL, The Machinations of the. [WASWASAH.]

DIBĀG͟HAH (دباغة‎). “Tanning.” According to the Traditions, the skins of animals are unclean until they are tanned. Muḥammad said, “Take nothing for any animals that shall have died until you tan their skins.” And again, “Tanning purifies.” (Mishkāt, book iii. c. xi. 2.)
