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An account of these feasts is given under their respective titles.

FEMALE INFANTICIDE, which existed amongst the ancient Arabians, was condemned by Muḥammad. Vide Qurʾān:—

Sūrah xvi. 60: “For when the birth of a daughter is announced to any one of them, dark shadows settle on his face, and he is sad. He hideth himself from the people because of the bad news: shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it in the dust? Are not their judgments wrong.”

Sūrah xvii. 33: “Kill not your children for fear of want: for them and for you will We (God) provide.”

Sūrah lxxxi. 8: “… And when the damsel that had been buried alive shall be asked (at the Day of Judgment) for what crime she was put to death.”

FIDYAH (فدية‎). A ransom. From fidāʾ, “to ransom,” “to exchange.” An expiation for sin, or for duties unperformed. The word occurs three times in the Qurʾān:—

Sūrah ii. 180: “For those who are able to keep it (the fast) and yet break it, there shall be as an expiation the maintenance of a poor man.”

Sūrah ii. 192: “Perform the pilgrimage and the visitation of the holy places.… But whoever among you is sick, or hath an ailment of the head, must expiate by fasting, or alms, or a sacrifice.”
