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ʿALAM (علم‎). A standard or ensign. A term used for the flags and standards paraded during the Muḥarram. [MUHARRAM, STANDARDS.]

ʿĀLAM (عالم‎). The universe; world; condition, state of being.

ʿĀlamu ʾl-arwāḥ The world of spirits. ʿĀlamu ʾl-k͟halq The world; this life. ʿĀlamu ʾl-bāqī The future state. ʿĀlamu ʾl-aʿz̤amah The highest heaven. ʿĀlamu ʾsh-shahādah The visible world. ʿĀlamu ʾl-g͟haib The invisible world. ʿĀlamu ʾl-maʿqūl The rational world.

The four mystic stages of the Ṣūfīs are—

ʿĀlamu ʾn-nāsūt The present world. ʿĀlamu ʾl-malakūt The state of angels. ʿĀlamu ʾl-jabarūt The state of power. ʿĀlamu ʾl-lāhūt The state of absorption into the Divinity.


ʿALĀMĀT (علامات‎). The greater signs of the resurrection. [ʿALAMATU ʾS-SAʿAH, RESURRECTION.]

ʿALĀMĀTU ʾN-NUBŪWAH (علامات النبوة‎). “The signs of Prophecy.” A term used for the supposed miracles and other proofs of the mission of Muḥammad. The title of a chapter in the Traditions. (Mishkāt, xxi. c. vi.)

ʿALĀMĀTU ʾS-SĀʿAH (علامات الساعة‎). “The signs of the hour,” i.e. the signs of the time of the Resurrection and of the Day of Judgment. The title of a section of the Traditions. (Mishkāt, xxiii. c. 3.) [RESURRECTION.]
