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The title Allāh is called the Ismu ʾẕ-Ẕāt, or, the essential name of God, all other titles, including Rabb, being considered Asmāʾu ʾṣ-Ṣifāt, or “attributes” of the Divine Being. These attributes are called al-Asmāʾu ʾl-ḥusnā, or the “excellent names.” The expression occurs in the Qurʾān (Sūrah vii. 179), “But God’s are excellent names, call on Him thereby.” This verse is commented upon in the Traditions, and Abū Hurairah says that Muḥammad said, “Verily, there are ninety-nine names of God, and whoever recites them shall enter into Paradise.”

In the same tradition these names (or attributes) are given as follows:—

1. Ar-Raḥmān The Merciful. 2. Ar-Raḥīm The Compassionate. 3. Al-Malik The King. 4. Al-Quddūs The Holy. 5. As-Salām The Peace. 6. Al-Muʾmin The Faithful. 7. Al-Muhaimin The Protector. 8. Al-ʿAzīz The Mighty. 9. Al-Jabbār The Repairer. 10. Al-Mutakabbir The Great. 11. Al-K͟hāliq The Creator. 12. Al-Bārīʾ The Maker. 13. Al-Muṣawwir The Fashioner. 14. Al-G͟haffār The Forgiver. 15. Al-Qahhār The Dominant. 16. Al-Wahhāb The Bestower. 17. Ar-Razzāq The Provider. 18. Al-Fattāḥ The Opener. 19. Al-ʿAlīm The Knower. 20. Al-Qābiẓ The Restrainer. 21. Al-Bāsit̤ The Spreader. 22. Al-K͟hāfiẓ The Abaser. 23. Ar-Rāfiʿ The Exalter. 24. Al-Muʿizz The Honourer. 25. Al-Muzīl The Destroyer. 26. As-Sāmiʿ The Hearer. 27. Al-Baṣīr The Seer. 28. Al-Ḥākim The Ruler. 29. Al-ʿAdl The Just. 30. Al-Lat̤īf The Subtle. 31. Al-K͟habīr The Aware. 32. Al-Ḥalīm The Clement. 33. Al-ʿAz̤īm The Grand. 34. Al-G͟hafūr The Forgiving. 35. Ash-Shakūr The Grateful. 36. Al-ʿAlī The Exalted. 37. Al-Kabīr The Great. 38. Al-Ḥafīz̤ The Guardian. 39. Al-Muqīt The Strengthener. 40. Al-Ḥasīb The Reckoner. 41. Al-Jalīl The Majestic. 42. Al-Karīm The Generous. 43. Ar-Raqīb The Watcher. 44. Al-Mujīb The Approver. 45. Al-Wāsiʿ The Comprehensive. 46. Al-Ḥakīm The Wise. 47. Al-Wadūd The Loving. 48. Al-Majīd The Glorious. 49. Al-Bāʿis̤ The Raiser. 50. Ash-Shahīd The Witness. 51. Al-Ḥaqq The Truth. 52. Al-Wakīl The Advocate. 53. Al-Qawī The Strong. 54. Al-Matīn The Firm. 55. Al-Walī The Patron. 56. Al-Ḥamīd The Laudable. 57. Al-Muḥṣī The Counter. 58. Al-Mubdī The Beginner. 59. Al-Muʿīd The Restorer. 60. Al-Muḥyī The Quickener. 61. Al-Mumīt The Killer. 62. Al-Ḥaiy The Living. 63. Al-Qaiyūm The Subsisting. 64. Al-Wājid The Finder. 65. Al-Majīd The Glorious. 66. Al-Wāḥid The One. 67. Aṣ-Ṣamad The Eternal. 68. Al-Qādir The Powerful. 69. Al-Muqtadir The Prevailing. 70. Al-Muqaddim The Bringing forward. 71. Al-Muʾak͟hk͟hir The Deferrer. 72. Al-Awwal The First. 73. Al-Āk͟hir The Last. 74. Az̤-Z̤āhir The Evident. 75. Al-Bāt̤in The Hidden. 76. Al-Wālī The Governor. 77. Al-Mutaʿālī The Exalted. 78. Al-Barr The Righteous. 79. At-Tauwāb The Accepter of Repentance. 80. Al-Muntaqim The Avenger. 81. Al-ʿAfūw The Pardoner. 82. Ar-Raʾuf The Kind. 83. Māliku ʾl-Mulk The Ruler of the Kingdom. 84. Ẕū ʾl-Jalāli wa ʾl-Ikrām The Lord of Majesty and Liberality. 85. Al-Muqsit̤ The Equitable. 86. Al-Jāmīʿ The Collector. 87. Al-G͟hanī The Independent. 88. Al-Mug͟hnī The Enricher. 89. Al-Muʿt̤ī The Giver. 90. Al-Māniʿ The Withholder. 91. Aẓ-Ẓārr The Distresser. 92. An-Nāfiʿ The Profiter. 93. An-Nūr The Light. 94. Al-Hādī The Guide. 95. Al-Badīʿ The Incomparable. 96. Al-Bāqī The Enduring. 97. Al-Wāris̤ The Inheritor. 98. Ar-Rashīd The Director. 99. Aṣ-Ṣabūr The Patient.

The list either begins or closes with Allāh, thus completing the number of one hundred names, which are usually recited on a rosary in the ceremony of Ẕikr [ZIKR], as well as at all leisure moments, by devout Muslims. The Wahhābīs do not use a rosary, but count the names on their fingers, which they say was the custom of the Prophet, for from the Traditions it appears that Muḥammad did not use a rosary.
