Читать книгу Counselling in Europe. Training, Standards, Research, 'Culture' & Information about 39 Countries онлайн

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Counselling, as we can see, has a long history. First as a concept for action in social work, then as part of therapeutic action, counselling is on its way to becoming a discipline in its own right. It is here that it gains its ability to connect with international developments in counselling. Although the professionalization of counselling in Europe still seems to be borrowed from and linked to therapeutic schools and based on an internationally established academic profile.

Most recently there has been a great deal of progress in counsellings theorization in Europe (cf. Nestmann & Engel, 1997.

The Bologna Process at European universities, which favours an interdisciplinary approach without one discipline or another being able to claim dominance alone, is helpful in this regard.

Counselling has a long professional tradition but its independent academic formatting has only just gained momentum in Europe. To establish and maintain the international connection to the development of counselling, there is an urgent need for an expanded scientific positioning and establishing of direction (see ssss1). This also applies to the professional discourses in the informal continuing education sector of the professional associations currently being sought, such as developments in the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF). A wide variety of cooperative ventures between universities, higher education institutions and continuing education and training institutes, between theory and practise are currently exemplary and could point to sustainable new developments.
