Читать книгу Counselling in Europe. Training, Standards, Research, 'Culture' & Information about 39 Countries онлайн

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Course Description

• Gain fascinating insights into cross-cultural responsiveness

• Improve self-awareness of personal values and biases

• Add to your knowledge of the counselling profession worldwide

• Contributors from 20 countries

Course Objectives

• Communicate key components of a transcultural counselling approach and relevant theoretical frameworks/models

• Apply learning from region-specific profiles to their own practice

• Reflect on their personal definitions of counselling and culture

• Set specific action items to guide future practice.

• Details and Registration can be seen on our website.

3.8 Round Tables

The International Association for Counselling (IAC) was born as the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling (IRTAC) in 1966. The concept of a round table for Counselling was the brainchild of IAC’s founder and visionary Hans Hoxter. Professor Hoxter first viewed counselling as a force for peace and human well-being in the immediate aftermath of the second world war and when IRTAC was founded it gave a voice to all those counsellors and associations around the world who needed to meet, share and discuss with international colleagues.
