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In spite of its manifest imperfections [says the Cambridge Modern History], the tragedy of Gorboduc has two supreme claims to honourable commemoration. It introduced Englishmen who knew no language but their own to an artistic conception of tragedy, and it revealed to them the true mode of tragic expression.

I might also quote here the sonnet of a greater poet, who owed much, if not to Gorboduc, at least to the Induction—Edmund Spenser.

In vain I think, right honourable lord,

By this rude rhyme to memorize thy name,

Whose learnèd muse hath writ her own record

In golden verse worthy immortal fame.

Thou much more fit (were leisure to the same)

Thy gracious sovereign’s praises to compile,

And her imperial majesty to frame

In lofty numbers and heroic style.

But sith thou may’st not so, give leave awhile

To baser wit his power therein to spend,

Whose gross defaults thy dainty pen may file,

And unadvisèd oversights amend.

But evermore vouchsafe it to maintain

Against vile Zoylus’ backbitings vain.
