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My Father married my Mother in the Spring of the Year 1632: being then in the Prime of Life, a personable, charming-looking Man, though small of Stature, and with a Nose somewhat awry. In his Conditions he was ever most lovely; of a sweet Temper, shrewd Observance, stout Heart, and lively Wit. Many, no Doubt, had read more, by reason of their Opportunities; but what few Books he knew, he turned to Profit, and perhaps no Man concocted his Reading into Judgment better than he; by which he became so judicious and oracular, as that though he could not indeed prophesy, he could presage; and some of his Presages came true and others not, but might have done so, had Events taken but in a very slight Degree a different Course. He knew how to sound his Customers, and suck the Marrow of their Knowledge, while keeping his own Counsel: but this was his Prudence, not Pusillanimity, for I have heard it remarked by one who knew him well, that the Trojan Horse was not more full of Valour than he, for so small a Man. Being a Hair-dresser, this was not so evident in him as if he had been a Soldier; but yet every Man’s Life affords Occasions, as my Father’s certainly did, of showing what is in him and what is not.
