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John answered with a grunt and groan. “And me, I’m to pay for it because little miss tarries!”

Bell pushed him out of the kitchen with a laugh. “Gae away with you,” she said. “Miss Margret, my man John would stand steady and be cut in sma’ pieces with a pair o’ scissors sooner than that any harm should come to you. But his bark is aye waur than his bite. And what have you been doing all this night, my bonnie bird? I’ve neither seen your face nor heard your fit upon the stair.”

“Oh, I was thinking,” said Margaret, after a pause; “thinking—”

“Lord bless us and save us, when the like of you begin thinking! And what were you thinking upon, my bonnie dear?”

“Nothing,” said Margaret, musing. She had fallen back into the strain of her usual fanciful thoughts.

“Naething? That’s just the maist dangerous subject you can think upon,” said Bell, shaking her head; “that’s just what I dinna like. Think upon whatever you please, but never upon naething, Miss Margret. Will I come with you and see you to your bed? It’s lang since I’ve put a brush upon your bonnie hair.”
