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“You don’t know much about me, pardner,” he remarked to Buffalo Bill, “but I can show a clean record.”

“I’ll gamble on that, amigo,” said the scout. “Just from the looks of you, Dunbar, I’m positive I haven’t made any mistake. How did you happen to fall into Red Steve’s clutches?”

“It was a put-up job,” was the answer. “Steve’s working for the cattlemen over on the Brazos, and they were paying him to keep me here until they figured out what to do with me.”

“Are you a rancher?”

“I’m a cattleman, and I’ve an interest in Dick Perry’s bunch of steers.”

“Who’s Dick Perry?”

“He’s the man the other cattlemen are trying to freeze out.”

A scowl came over Dunbar’s face and his eye flashed ominously.

“Why are the cattle barons trying to freeze him out?” asked the scout, conscious of a deep interest in the young cowboy and his fortunes.

“It’s all on account of Hattie.”


“Yes, Hattie Perry, Dick’s girl.”

“Ah! We’re running into romance, I reckon.”

The scowl faded from Dunbar’s face and a flush ran through his bronzed cheeks.
