Читать книгу Buffalo Bill, Peacemaker; Or, On a Troublesome Trail онлайн

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The cowboy jumped from the wall, and started for the door.


There was a compelling note in the scout’s voice. The cowboy halted, and turned his haggard face.

“Sit down!” ordered the scout. “If I and my pards are to help you, I want you to keep a cool head, and not go off on any fool tangent. You can be of assistance to me—but only by showing a different spirit.”

“Buffalo Bill,” cried Dunbar, “if you had seen the Perrys tramped on and mistreated as I have, you’d be murder mad just as I am over this last outrage.”

“Two wrongs never made a right, Nate.”

“Right! Who talks of right on the Brazos? These barons are jumping on right and justice rough shod, and what they need is a taste of their own medicine.”

“They’ll get it, Nate, but they’ll get it in my way. There’ll be no parlor tactics, and when we hit it will be straight from the shoulder. But this talk of cold steel begs the whole question. Sit down and be sensible.”

Dunbar, with an effort, got the whip hand of himself.

“Isn’t there any one living in the cabin but Perry and his daughter?” went on the scout.
