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“Whoop-ya!” murmured the trapper. “S’posin’ we ride out ter Phelps’ place an’ lift Perry’s blockade? What d’ye say? Et’s er noble deed, an’ mebbyso et’ll lead ter a ruction.”

“Will you be guided by me, my friends?” asked the sky pilot earnestly. “I am familiar with the situation along this part of the Brazos, and I know pretty nearly everybody in this part of the country. Perhaps, equipped as I am, I can judge better than you what is best to be done.”

“Throw et up ter us, elder. Any palaver ye kin hand out will receive full attention.”

“Thank you. Don’t try to go to Phelps’ ranch this side of dewfall. Wait till night comes. From now on, Benner and Phelps will have both of you men watched. The barons know you got that note, and they can guess that you read it and then tore it up. If you try to go to Phelps’ before night, there’ll be trouble, and you’ll get the worst of it.”

“We’re not dodging trouble so you can notice it, amigo,” returned Wild Bill.

“I hope, for Dick Perry’s sake, that you will dodge trouble, and keep your hands clear so that you can help him. Will you give me a part in the work before you?”
