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“And why not?” said Peter half aloud.

And then he heard the creaking of a cart, and [Pg 36]the gruff voice of a carter encouraging his horse. In a moment it came in sight. The cart was empty, and the man was sitting on the side as he drove.

“Good morning,” said Peter pleasantly, as the cart and man came abreast of him.

The carter started, pulled up suddenly, and the horse came to a standstill.

“Well now,” he said in amazement, “whatever do-ee be doin’ there?”

“I sheltered here last night,” said Peter. “Can you tell me to whom this cottage belongs?”

The man shook his head. “It don’t belong to no one, and that’s certain sure.”

“But,” argued Peter, “a cottage which is obviously built by human agency must have an owner.”

Again the man shook his head. “It don’t belong to no one,” he reiterated.

Peter raised his eyebrows incredulously. “But why not?” he demanded.

“’Tis evil,” said the man in a solemn whisper.

“Evil!” echoed Peter. And the word seemed as out of place in the morning sunshine as a cynic would seem in fairyland.
