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“Did they go, Uncle Rufus?” asked Ruth.

“Yes’m, they done went all right.”

“Just now?”

“No’m, they was leavin’ when I went down.”

“Did they find the leak?”

“’Deed an’ I doan know ’bout dat, Miss Ruth. Dey went out in such a hurry when I walked in dat dey didn’t say what dey done found.”

“Did they break anything, Uncle Rufus?” demanded Agnes.

“No’m, Ah couldn’t see dat dey did. De swing shelf—whut yo’ spoke ’bout—dat was all right, an’ de preserves. I couldn’t see whut dey done. But dey sho’ was a queer couple!”

“What do you mean—queer couple?” asked Ruth quickly.

“Well, I means dat dey went off in such a hasty way, an’ dey didn’t say if dey saw any leak or nuffin’.”

“I guess they didn’t, or they would have told us to shut off the water,” commented Ruth. “As for being queer—certainly they looked like tramps, but I don’t suppose men who have to burrow in trenches and sewers all day long can be spick and span. I’m glad there’s no leak, however. That will be all, Uncle Rufus.”

“Thank-ee, Miss Ruth. I wants to git de automobubble shined up ’fo Mistah Neale gits back,” and out he shuffled.
