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5. Its obligations are based upon the honor of those who obtain its secrets, and are framed upon the principle that whatever benefits are due by Masons to the wives, daughters, mothers, widows and sisters of Masons, reciprocal duties are due from them to the Brotherhood.

6. That the obligation of our Order, voluntarily assumed, is perpetual, from the force of which there is no release.

7. The ballot, for candidates for the degrees, or membership, must be unanimous, without debate, and kept inviolably secret.

8. The degrees cannot be conferred unless a brother in good standing shall preside. He can call upon the Worthy Matron to assist in conferring the degrees.

9. Every member is amenable to the laws of the Order, and may be tried for offenses, either by the Chapter to which the member belongs, or by the Chapter within whose jurisdiction the member resides.

10. The right of every member to appeal from the decision of a Subordinate Chapter, to the Grand Chapter or its executive head.

11. The right of every Chapter to decide, from among eligible candidates, who shall be admitted to membership.
